Appreciating moments…As mothers, we are told to savor the time ad nauseam. “It goes so fast.” “Enjoy every moment.” “Babies don’t keep.” We tirelessly hear and feel all of those things but what does it mean to savor moments? What is actually happening below the surface when we experience the moments in both the mundane and extraordinary that take our breath away? More importantly, how do we incorporate mindfulness so we may better hone in on that awareness and make those moments more abundant?
Meditation and mindfulness go hand in hand. They both require practice and a general awareness of the positive change that will ensue with a dedicated and practical approach. It is simply noticing things in nothingness.
How to Begin
With an open and gracious mind, heighten your awareness of your thoughts and body sensations. As mothers, we wear our to-do lists as a badge of honor sometimes. We run here and there, never truly working on the habitual patterns, negative self talk, mindless chatter that is going on inside.
Take time out of your busy day to notice your habits, your looping thoughts, your heaviness or lightness, etc. The difference this time is that there is no judgement associated with anything you think or feel. You simply notice, acknowledge, and release.
Meditation Activity
I’ve included a meditation to do with your spouse, friends, and even kiddos. It’s a little silly and a lot of fun. In it, you will find that by waking up your senses at their most basic level, you are completely in the present moment experiencing heightened, mindful awareness. Grab a mandarin or an orange, save this meditation, and bring mindfulness into your life today!
After doing this with my kiddos, I now notice that each time we eat oranges they always take time to notice how it smells. It wasn’t something we necessarily dwelled on but in taking time to notice, it has now become part of their innate mindfulness practice.