Alisa Hauser

Alisa Hauser
Alisa’s 15 minutes of fame was as a news reporter just after college. These days, she embraces multiple roles – a mom of three (one teenager and two who are #adulting), a writing consultant, and a college application coach. When she’s not in a Zoom session, you can find her in her backyard with a chiminea fire. She loves indie movies, eclectic music, random road trips, hole-in-the-wall restaurants, her family bubble, and her cat Jack Jack (although not necessarily in that order). She grew up as a military brat, residing in four countries and eleven states before settling in the Dallas area. After 20 years here, and with the help of her Aggie daughter, she can seamlessly use “y’all” and “howdy” in a sentence like a true Texan.

When Nothing is the Same: Managing Grief and Loss During the Holidays

It's my birthday! It's my birthday! It's my birthday! I love birthdays. I love hanging streamers from the kiddo's doorframes to greet them on their birthday morning. I love celebrating my friends and students on...

The Healing Power of Gratitude

Can you believe it? It’s November already. A time when we traditionally gather with family and friends, eat way too much, and celebrate the things we’re thankful for. This year, however, it may feel like...

“Thank You”: Accept that Compliment, Mamas

“What do you say?”…my mom would prompt us when someone commented on our cute outfit, or we got the perfect present for our birthday, or a friend offered us half their cookie, or Grandma...

Time Block Your Way to a Balanced Life

Confession: My to-do list just isn’t to-doing it for me right now. I’m in one of those busy seasons. You know the kind. Where the squeaky wheel gets the grease and tyranny of the urgent...

On Having What it Takes to Let Them Go

“Get yourself together girl,” I tell myself as tears well up for the umpteenth time. “This is not your first rodeo, mama. You know the drill. Suck it up, buttercup. You have what it...

Dive Into a Good Book with These Summer Reading Programs

Our kids are growing up in a very different world than we did. Never has that been more apparent than this summer, when we’re not even sure if we should venture out for vacations,...

Parenting During Crisis: We Got This, Mamas!

Confession: I’m just doing the best I can. And that’s enough. I’m no stranger to parenting in crisis mode. Fifteen years ago, my husband passed away suddenly, leaving me alone with three young kids and...

The Love Jar

Confession: I suck at consequences. While I may suck at consequences, there’s one parenting tip I’ve implemented with great success for over 10 years: the Love Jar. The concept is simple. Whenever I observe my kids...