Ashley Chan

Ashley Chan
Ashley was born and raised in North Texas and settled down in Frisco. She met her husband while playing intramural basketball at UNT. Ashley taught pre-k and then was a trainer for a technology company until having her two sweet boys. She loves cooking, going for walks with the whole family, and exploring new restaurants all over DFW. She's a hardcore Disney lover and loves to explore and travel with her family.

Easy Halloween Crafts for Kids

Fall is my favorite season: the cooler weather, the food, and the decorations. My kids are young so I need simple and easy Halloween crafts that they will enjoy, and hopefully, that I can...

Celebrating Mid-Autumn Moon Festival Here in Collin County

School is back in session and my favorite season is upon us, Fall. I’m ready for all the pumpkins and fall decorations to come out of my closet and for the crisp, cool nights...

Texas Road Trip Guide :: Buc-ee’s Favorites

I am a native Texan, born and raised, and there are some things that are quintessential to Texas: BBQ, crazy weather, and Buc-ee's. My first memories of Buc-ee's was as a child traveling down...

Mom-Friendly Swimsuits for Your Hot Mom Summer

The summer season and I have a love-hate relationship; I love the long nights and relaxed vibes summer time brings. But I hate the heat and the expectation to look "summer cute." However, THIS...

Mom Tips for Visiting Jurassic World: The Exhibition at Grandscape in The Colony

Texas summer is upon us, and as a mom of young kids I try to find as many AC-friendly activities as possible. As a mom of two young boys, dinosaurs are a big deal...

Tips for Less Stress When Traveling with Kids

2021 is my wanderlust year—being safe and quarantining with two kids under age five for over a year will do that to you. My urge to travel and plan has never been stronger, but...
teach kids to stop asian hate

Stop Asian Hate & Fight for Change

2021 was supposed to be a year of hope, renewal, and a turn toward a brighter future. But the world and our nation are facing another wave of social injustice and hatred toward a...

A Mom’s Guide to TikTok

  Every mom wants to be a cool mom. Xennial, Millennial, Gen Z, or just plain mom, we all want to stay in the loop with the coolest and latest trends. TikTok has been everywhere...