Ashley Chan

Ashley Chan
Ashley was born and raised in North Texas and settled down in Frisco. She met her husband while playing intramural basketball at UNT. Ashley taught pre-k and then was a trainer for a technology company until having her two sweet boys. She loves cooking, going for walks with the whole family, and exploring new restaurants all over DFW. She's a hardcore Disney lover and loves to explore and travel with her family.

The 5 Phrases I Use Every Day to Survive COVID-19

Two months being at home with both my kids, I will admit, has been a challenge. I’m a SAHM and I should be used to the daily grind of keeping up with two little...
best asian food in collin county

Eat Local! My Favorite Asian Cuisine in Collin County

Spring is a time for renewal and rebirth, and after the last few months, I know I need a fresh start. We don’t know how long we'll be in our current state, but I...

What I Learned From My Kid’s Yes Day

With a defiant and feisty almost-4-year-old, "NO!" is the most used word in our house. In some form or another, my son is told "no" or "don’t do that" constantly throughout his day. Don’t...

2020: Year of the Mom

We made it another year, mamas! So it means it's time to set new goals and resolutions... or for me, another year to break or make excuses not to follow those resolutions. I don’t...

Reason for the Season

The Christmas season is here, and my son finally gets Christmas. He knows there will be gifts, he asks about Santa every day, and he finally gets excited about the Christmas season. Last year when...

I’m Proud to be a Lazy Tiger Mom

I’m a Lazy Tiger Mom and proud of it. You may be asking yourself, what’s that exactly? Is it a new fictional mom on TV or a social media parenting technique that's the latest...

I’m OK not having a Girl

I am a boy mom. I have two precious, wild, and adventurous boys. They are three years old and nine months old, and they rule my world. I love having boys and that’s a...

Accepting My Mom Bod

I used to be skinny; I used to be fit. I used to work out. I used to eat whatever I wanted and didn't have to worry about counting calories or gaining weight. I...