Ashley Chan

Ashley Chan
Ashley was born and raised in North Texas and settled down in Frisco. She met her husband while playing intramural basketball at UNT. Ashley taught pre-k and then was a trainer for a technology company until having her two sweet boys. She loves cooking, going for walks with the whole family, and exploring new restaurants all over DFW. She's a hardcore Disney lover and loves to explore and travel with her family.

Potty Training Tips

Potty training...two words that bring fear and anxiety to every parent. Everyone has their own opinions and thoughts on how to potty train a child. The two-day method, three-day method, self train; there are...

The Day My Son Told Me To Get Off My Phone

I got my first cell phone when I was 17 and the only reason my parents got it for me was for emergencies. Now my phone has more functions and buttons than I could...

To the “Lazy” Husband

I recently had a friend call me, crying about how her husband wasn’t helping her when he got home from work, and she felt helpless. She said he was a lazy husband. They both...

Coffee-Free Moms :: We Exist

For most moms, coffee is a way of life. The only way we get through the chaos of the day is a hot (or lukewarm or cold by the time we get to drink...

The Loneliest Hour

It’s 3 am and it’s feeding time. The house is silent and it’s just a hungry baby and me awake in the house. He’s sucking peacefully as he tries to calm himself to sleep....

New Year, New Baby

We are only a few weeks into 2019 and there’s a lot for me to look forward to this upcoming year. As I am writing this, I am currently 37.5 weeks pregnant and anxiously...

I’m Just an OK Mom

I am just an OK mom, and I am fine with it. I am an average, sometimes below-average, mom. I have been a mom for 2.5 years and it has flown by! It has...

My Perfect Family: Two Boys

I recently found out the sex of my second child: another boy, due in January. Everyone’s immediate response was excitement, followed by, “Are you going to try for a girl next??” NO. My husband...