Jessica Murrugarra

Jessica Murrugarra
Jessica wasn’t sure about Texas when she moved here in 2014, but the Ranch Water was delightful and the locals even more! She kickstarted her editing career at a local magazine and, has since, worked as a social media manager and blogger. She is the proud mother of two daughters and loves to play the piano, craft lattes, lift weights, and journal. Her happy place is perched on the edge of Lee Harvey’s Dive-In soaking it up with her awesome Dallas Moms.
Mother has breastfeeding struggles while laying in bed with baby.

The Ultimate Guide to Breastfeeding in Collin County

Collin County Moms has highlighted a collection of feeding experiences from local moms about breastfeeding, exclusively pumping, supplementing, bottle feeding, formula feeding, and more to support you on your baby feeding journey.