My New Ally In Raising Confident and Independent Girls

    This post has been sponsored by Girls, Inc. of Metropolitan Dallas. All opinions are that of our guest writer.

    Even before COVID-19, my life was busy. I have two young daughters and between working, cooking, cleaning, and family time, I was left with very little free time. Then, COVID-19 arrived in Texas and my already-hectic life got even busier.

    My daughters’ school became 100% virtual and suddenly they needed help with nearly all their activities and class calls. At the same time, my husband and I continued to work full-time. During those first few weeks, friends and family would ask me “How are you doing?” and I would say, “I don’t know. I’m just trying to breathe.”

    We worked hard to give our girls fun activities to occupy their time during the day. We created art projects, went on hikes, and read books. But it quickly became apparent that constant educational activities were not sustainable for our family. The panic began to set in. How can we keep them learning even when both parents are working full time? This question kept me up at night.

    Then, we discovered Girls Inc. virtual programs. Girls Inc. of Metropolitan Dallas is an organization that inspires girls to be strong, smart, and bold through programming, advocacy and college readiness. They offer two-week summer courses that meet virtually for 50 minutes a day. This is the perfect amount of time for young girls. These live, interactive courses focus on topics like healthy self-image, media literacy, and diversity.

    At first, I worried that virtual sessions wouldn’t hold my daughters’ attention. Immediately after the first session, my oldest daughter was running around the house saying how much fun she had. She told me stories about her new friends, new teachers, and dance parties. Later that night, I was putting my other daughter to bed when she excitedly asked me, “Do I get to do Girls Inc. again tomorrow?” This enthusiasm has only grown as the courses continue. Girls Inc. programs provide them with a daily routine, something that is so important for our family during this time.

    I’m so excited for the topics my daughters are learning and discussing. They are in the “Strong Girl Superpowers: Hearts, Minds, and Bodies” course, where they are learning how to be healthy and strong physically, mentally, and emotionally. The course content, program facilitators and classmates encourage their social and emotional development, something that is near-impossible to find during quarantine. The topics are interesting and relevant, keeping my daughters fully engaged. These days, my girls will say something incredibly smart and then say, “I learned that from Girls Inc.!”

    One of my favorite things about Girls Inc. is the way they empower and support girls. My husband and I are working hard to raise independent, confident girls. It’s important to us that our daughters are self-sufficient and capable. Girls Inc. has reinforced these qualities in them, teaching them to navigate technology, manage their time well, and stand up for themselves. They also now know how to join their Zoom meetings and complete their activities without constant supervision. It’s been a huge relief to work uninterrupted in my office, knowing that they are occupied doing fun and enriching activities.

    Girls Inc. gives my daughters the tools they need to face the world with determination and courage. These courses equip girls to achieve their goals, whether they want to be a NASA engineer or an artist. Even in the busiest of seasons, I know Girls Inc. has my back as I work to raise strong, smart, and bold young women.

    To learn more or register your girl for Girls Inc. virtual summer programs, click here. Use the discount code BOLD25 to receive $25 off!