What Does a Montessori Education Look Like Through the Years?

    Disclaimer :: This article is sponsored by Pebblecreek Montessori to bring you information about Montessori education.

    I think many of us associate Montessori with preschool, but did you know that there’s a wonderful Montessori school in Plano for children ages two months all the way to 12 years old?

    kids riding tricycles at Pebblecreek Montessori

    Pebblecreek Montessori offers four programs for children at different stages of development:

    • Nido (two – 16 months)
    • Toddler (16 – 36 months)
    • Primary (three – six years)
    • Elementary (six – 12 years)

    Let’s explore what children get up to as they move through a Montessori school. Keep in mind that all Pebblecreek Montessori programs adhere faithfully to Dr. Maria Montessori’s philosophies and are officially recognized by the Association Montessori Internationale — an important distinction in the world of Montessori schools!

    Nido (two – 16 months)

    Monday – Friday (five days/week)
    8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

    The Nido program focuses on building trust; freedom of movement (no highchairs, swings, or containment-type furniture); a simple, clean, beautiful space; daily outdoor time; and sleeping, feeding, diapering on a child’s individual schedule.

    Pebblecreek structures the Nido program so that there are three infants to each caregiver (the lowest student-teacher ratio in Texas).

    Toddler (16 – 36 months)

    Monday – Friday (five days/week)
    8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
    8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

    Social skills and practical life skills are what it’s all about for toddlers. In multi-age classrooms, kids develop independence, concentration, coordination, and a sense of order. They’ll learn to take responsibility for their own toys and tools, identify feelings and express them appropriately, even figure out the whole using-the-toilet-on-their-own thing!

    child working on floor at Pebblecreek Montessori

    Primary (three – six years)

    Monday – Friday (five days/week)
    8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
    8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

    Independence, self-discipline, and social skills will always be part of the Montessori approach. But the Primary program also delves into the study of interrelationships between the earth, animals and plants, and the people who inhabit the earth. It makes subjects like math, science, history, and geography more interconnected and so much more appealing to young learners.

    Pebblecreek students remain in the same Primary class for the three-year cycle, moving from youngest to oldest, from observer to leader.

    Elementary (six – 12 years)

    Monday – Friday (five days/week)
    8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

    The curriculum for the Montessori Elementary program is vast. It’s called Cosmic Education, which sounds appropriately all-encompassing, doesn’t it? At this stage of development, there’s no end to a child’s desire to find out about everything in the universe. And he or she is encouraged to do so!

    In multi-age classrooms, children learn to do independent research; arrange field trips to gather information; interview specialists; create group presentations, dramas, art exhibits, musical productions, and science projects; and so much more.

    Does a Montessori education resonate with you?

    Click on any of the program links above for additional details on the Montessori experience. And book a tour of Pebblecreek Montessori in Plano to see this educational approach in action.

    Katie Lewis
    After almost 20 years in other parts of Texas (Austin and Fort Worth!), Katie now lives in Richardson with her husband and two kids. Favorite uses for her phone: reading library books and listening to comedy podcasts. Least favorite uses: making and receiving calls. If you've seen Death Becomes Her or Big Business more than once, you'll be best friends.