As moms we naturally tend to take care of everyone but ourselves! Well, this year is the year that you will take care of YOU! You are better able to take care of your family if you are taken care of first. If you are healthy and happy then your family will be healthier and happier. Here are five ways you can take better care of YOU in 2017, Mama!
#1 – Take time for yourself, by yourself! As busy moms we should ideally take some time every day to be by ourselves and refresh and be still. Realistically we don’t always have that luxury, so try to take time at least once or twice a week to do something by yourself whether it be a hot bath or shower or reading a book or getting a pedicure and having lunch by yourself (how amazing would that be?). You will have to schedule this special time into your week; otherwise, it probably won’t happen. So put it in your calendar like you would a doctor’s appointment or a meeting.
#2 – Take time to be with your friends or significant other! Let’s face it, we all love our kids, but it is nice to have some adult conversations every once in awhile. Adult time will help remind you of the person you were (and still are) before kids. Schedule a Mom’s Night Out or a date night and go have some fun! Solicit some babysitting from family or nearby teens, or trade out watching the kids with another couple. You won’t regret it!
#3 – Find your village, and love them hard! Oh, and ask for help! Don’t try to do be superwoman. Remember the saying, “It takes a village…”? Well, it truly does! There are so many options out there these days for moms, so take advantage of one of them. has a lot of moms’ groups based on your interests. MOPS (Mother’s of Preschoolers) is a great choice as well. Another great option is a mom’s group called Our Village through FIT4MOM. This is my village, and I could not live my life without these wonderful mamas! Regarding asking for help, this is a hard one for me. I am pretty independent and like to do things by myself, but I quickly realized that I couldn’t do it all on my own and do it well. One of the best things I did for myself was learn how to delegate…to family members, coworkers, household help, etc. Once I did that I felt so much better and was able to focus on the most important things in my life.
#4 – Exercise and eat healthy! I cannot stress this one enough. If you fuel yourself with healthy foods and get some sort of exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day, you will have more energy and just feel better all around. There are many choices out there for exercise. You can join a gym, take a yoga class, take a HIIT (high intensity interval training) class like Body Back with FIT4MOM, or even just go for a walk or run in your neighborhood. Whatever you choose just get out there and keep moving. For a lot of moms the eating healthy part is what is difficult. There are many ways that can help busy moms stay on track when it comes to fueling their bodies appropriately. One of the ways I have found that helps me as a busy mom who doesn’t like to cook is hiring a chef to come to our home and cook healthy meals for me and my family. About a year ago I discovered Fridgefull Thinking, a personal chef service, and I haven’t looked back. She comes every other week and prepares healthy, mostly organic meals for my family, and the best part is I don’t have to do anything on those weeks she comes. No food shopping, no meal prep, little clean up, and a well-fed family! Another one of my faves is the Body Back program that I mentioned above. Not only is this an awesome fitness program, but it also has a nutrition program designed by and for moms that will help you become your best self in 2017!
#5 – Get regular checkups! January is Cervical Cancer Screening Month. Did you know that cervical cancer was once one of the most common causes of cancer death in American women? The good news is that, according to the American Cancer Society, over the last 30 years the death rate has gone down 50%, and that is mostly because women have been getting their regular screenings. Not only should you go see your OB/GYN for regular checkups, but you should also see your primary care physician. Most moms I know don’t have a PCP (me included) but should make this a priority in 2017!
So make this the year to take care of you, and I sincerely hope you find these suggestions helpful in doing so. You don’t have to do them all at once. Even if you just add one at a time over the course of the year, you and your family will be the beneficiaries of a happier, healthier YOU! Happy New Year!