Teaching Kids to be Helpers :: Giving Back in Collin County

I recently took our two kids to the Little Free Pantry in McKinney after gently walking them through the importance of what it means to give back, even to people we don’t actually know. Confusing as ever for a young four-year- old (and two-year old) who only knows the word “stranger” as someone who they never go with and/or never talk to without Mommy. 

So how do you explain what it means to give back to someone you aren’t related to, aren’t even friends with, or might not ever even meet!? 

You tell them this, “You are a helper.”

I usually pick their favorite food. Ours that day in the car was simple. It was macaroni and cheese. 

I said, “Everett, baby, there is probably a little boy out there, maybe your age, who really wants some mac ‘n cheese for dinner tonight, but he doesn’t have any. Let’s go get him some.” 

It was beyond his years to explain to him how every 1 in 4 kids (in Collin County) goes to bed hungry every night. I didn’t share with him that that is roughly 300,000 children. I didn’t even tell him that most food pantries are empty in the spring and most definitely summer months because school is not in session and there isn’t the holiday spirit bustling around to inspire donations. 

He didn’t need all that information. All he needed to know was that a little boy might want macaroni and cheese, and his mission was to find it, buy it, and stock it for this person who he didn’t know but loved.   

Here is my call to action to you, Mom. Pick up your kids from school today, squeeze them tight, then title him (or her) a helper, and stock the food pantries of Collin County! Volunteering in Collin County is easy; let’s show our kids it’s important and valuable.

Sarah Shiplett
Sarah is a yoga teacher and stay at home mom of two beautiful darlings. Born and raised in Plano, Texas, she moved away for college at the University of Kansas. After studying journalism at KU (Rock Chalk), Sarah moved back home to attend SMU where she received a master's degree in advertising and studied abroad in India. Married in 2012 to love of her life Kyle, they took to the suburbs in Allen to start a family. She is now is a stay at home mom with her two babies, Everett Brave (two years old) and Winnie Grace (six months old). Sarah is also a registered yoga teacher (RYT-200) and teaches Vinyasa and Prenatal Yoga in the Allen and North Dallas area. Former Lululemon ambassador for Dallas, she loves being part of the yoga community and sharing the gift of yoga to people of all ages, levels, and life stages. Sarah believes she was put on this earth to be a mother, teaching her children the importance of love and kindness along the way.