5 DIY Valentines for Kids (sans candy)

I wasn’t always the mom who DIY’d everything in sight; then Pinterest entered my life.  It turned my world (and craft room, desk top, kitchen counter, garage- etc. upside down). I’m recovering, but have the occasional lapse.  

—–>Cue Valentine’s Day<—–  

I’m not the mom who’s super strict with the candy intake (ignore what my kids say), but I know they’ll get plenty of it when they go to school from friends, maybe teachers, and other classmates. So in lieu of reaching for the sugary treats, I bring you five easy and inexpensive valentines you can DIY with kids for kids.  I’ve also attached each PDF I’ve made so that all you have to do is print! 

My 4 and 9 year olds made these with some help from me. 

CollinCountyMomsBlog I should point out that I was able to get most Valentines trinkets from a local toy store in Plano. 

DIY #1: Valentine, you make my heart JUMP! 


Materials: Jumping toy frogs
A package of 36 for about $2.  



DIY #2: Valentine, you make my heart GLOW! 

(Ha- see where I’m going here!)


Materials: A package of glow sticks.  Most craft or dollar stores have packs of 10-12 for $1.
Glow sticks we had left over from New Years Eve because we go CRAZY with a kid centered New Years Eve


DIY #3: You are A-MAZE-ING!


Materials: Tiny mazes
A dozen for $2.
I’ve attached a color and black and white copy depending on color paper you use for these.

Valentine_MAZE Valentine_MAZE_bw 

DIY #4: Valentine, you make my heart SPIN!


Materials: Tops
A package of 36 for a little under $5.


DIY #5: Color Me Happy to be your friend

DIY Valentines

Materials: 2-4 crayons and some cute washi tape
I was able to find a dozen 4-pack of crayons for about $3.


I hope you’re able to use one or some of these in the coming weeks if you decide to take on the DIY Valentine project.  

What’s your go-to Valentine- either for your littles or for their class? Reply below and let me know. 

Vanessa Sias
Hi, I'm Vanessa. Wife to Jose and mommy to three loving, rambunctious boys ages 12, 7 and 3. They keep us busy in the best possible way. I was born an raised in Dallas, Texas and am a hard-core Dallas Cowboys fan. My husband and I moved to Allen in 2006 after finding our 'just right' home. I taught kindergarten for seven years (in Garland and McKinney) and after having our third son decided to become a stay-at-home mom. Aside from the three boys occupying my time, I'm also a branding and small business photographer as well as a VIPKID teacher for students in China.