Family Traditions: Making and Keeping Meaningful Memories

Thoughts from moms about traditions:

Traditions have become a part of our family identity.

They add to the happiness and security of my children.

Some are less connected to holidays and more like routines and ways of life, but still bring a sense of familiarity and comfort.

Thoughts from kids about the importance of traditions:

Sometimes it’s something that everyone does and sometimes it’s just what your family does.

You can have memories of them and pass them on to our children and then your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren

Well, because some traditions are fun.

As moms, we have a lot on our plates. Juggling schedules, caring for children, keeping the family running, and making memories. We all love having good memories. Traditions are one way that those good memories we have of the past stay alive. But sometimes traditions can be daunting. What should our traditions be? What should we do? How do I find the time? Here are some suggestions to begin to make and keep these meaningful memories:

family-traditions-making-keeping-meaningful-memoriesWhat is most important to you? There are so many holidays, events, and moments out there to celebrate. One look at Facebook or Pinterest will probably tell you that today is “National something or other day.” But just because it’s there, does not mean you have to have a tradition to commemorate it. Determine what is important to you and to your family, big or small. Are birthdays a priority? Is Thanksgiving your favorite holiday? Or is a group hug every night before bed your favorite? Choose those to create traditions around and let “National PB&J Day” pass you by.

Start simple. If you are just establishing your family traditions, or looking for new ones, start simple. Choose one tradition to celebrate that event, holiday, or moment. You can always add more, but starting too big can leave you feeling exhausted and discouraged. Starting small can build confidence and encourage consistency. You can always add more as the years go by.

Write it down. Do you get to a certain time of year and try to remember all the traditions you said you were going to start last year? Find or make a simple calendar and make a note of which ones you want to keep at specific times and for certain holidays and events. This way, as the year goes on, you can reference it instead of searching through your Pinterest boards for that one super cute idea you saw last year that you totally said you were going to do this year.

Intentional effort is needed. As a mom, I am learning more and more that traditions do not just happen and if I want them to be a part of our family’s story, I need to make them happen. Pressure and guilt should be off the table, but making and keeping traditions does take intention, planning, and a certain amount of work.

Relax & Be Flexible. After all is said and done, it’s important to relax and be flexible. Even if your holiday dinner did not go the way you envisioned in your mind or the annual pumpkin carving ended in tears, chances are the memories will still be there. Times change too, traditions may change and adapt. But they are there and that’s what matters. Traditions are about memories. They provide a feeling of security and love.

How are you making and keeping traditions for your family?

Amanda Stewart
Amanda moved to the Dallas area as a child, moved away for college, but then returned “home” with her husband and new daughter. Now five years later, she and her family are putting down roots in Collin County. Her educational background is an undergraduate degree in Elementary Education and a graduate degree in Early Childhood Studies. Most days you can find her doing her best to put her knowledge to work with 3 of the sweetest students around- born in 2010, 2014 and 2015. Once bedtime hits, you can find her doing some instructional design work, blogging, or finding the next great series on Netflix, usually with a cookie in hand. You can read more about her collection of thoughts on everything from motherhood and parenting to DIY and fitness, and whatever else is on her mind at her new blog <a href "" This Collective Life .