Best of 2019 :: The Top 10 CCM Posts of the Year

Who doesn’t love a “best of” collection? Today, we bring you the Collin County Moms posts you read and shared the most in 2019. Thank you to all our writers for continuing to share the ins and outs of motherhood. We can’t wait to hear more. Goodbye, 2019. It’s been real!
collin county moms top 10Without further ado, here’s the Top 10 Posts from Collin County Moms in 2019 (in no particular order):

top 10 posts Collin county momsBut Where is His Real Mom? by Allison Ezell

“…it got me thinking that maybe people don’t really know the right words to say around an adoptive family.” Allison shares what it feels like to have strangers comment on her children and what it means to be a “real” mom.

top 10 posts collin county momsKids Eat Free In Collin County: Updated! by Katie Lewis

Because we’re ALL looking to save a little money whenever we can. Local “Kids Eat Free” deals organized by days of the week.

My Husband Gave Me Herpes by Guest Author

“So, how does a woman, who has been with her husband for 10 years, suddenly get herpes…genital herpes, to be clear.” The title says it all, no?

top 10 posts collin county momsInvisible Illnesses: Help Moms Even When They Don’t Have the Flu by Jessica Grubb

We’re so quick to lend a hand when a friend is laid up with a virus or other obvious ailment, but what about those in our life who struggle with invisible illnesses? Jessica sheds light on the silent suffering.

A Complicated Grief: 10 Years Gone by Whitney Reed

Whitney shares openly about her father’s struggle with mental illness and how it shaped both her past and her thoughts on the future, particularly with regards to her children. Grab a tissue.

top 10 posts collin county moms6 Things You Should Never Do at Walt Disney World by Sarah Bergman

Our resident travel agent shares six rookie mistakes you should avoid. Disney trip-planning is a cottage industry and we would be wise to listen to the experts!

Pornography: The Importance of Talking to Kids by Summer Butler

A must-read. You do not want your children’s first exposure to sex to be internet porn. Let’s prepare ourselves to get out in front of it while we still can.

Making the Most of My “SAHM” Job by Amanda Stewart

Being a SAHM can be tricky, even when it’s something you really want to do. This is a great perspective on how to find more fulfillment in a job with few tangible metrics and pretty unreliable “business associates.”

What She Really Wants for Valentine’s Day by Summer Butler

Valentine’s Day is merely pretext. Print or copy/paste this list and send it to anyone who has every wondered what to get for you, ever.

My Sexless Marriage by Guest Author

For many couples (most couples!) pregnancy and having kids majorly impacts your sex life one way or another. For anyone who is unsatisfied in that arena, be frank about where you are now, where you want to be, and what you can do to get there. It’s worth it.

What Marriage is Not by Katie Wells

A lot of STUFF happens in the first 10 years of a marriage—new jobs, new homes, new children… Katie gets frank about her experiences with her husband in their 10 years together and what she’ll carry with her going forward.

Katie Lewis
After almost 20 years in other parts of Texas (Austin and Fort Worth!), Katie now lives in Richardson with her husband and two kids. Favorite uses for her phone: reading library books and listening to comedy podcasts. Least favorite uses: making and receiving calls. If you've seen Death Becomes Her or Big Business more than once, you'll be best friends.