The Easiest Way To Save A Bunch Of Money This Year

This post is sponsored by Energy Ogre. All opinions are 100% our own!

Head’s up, y’all. Summer is traditionally the season of sky-high energy bills, as we well know. Paying for A/C has to be one of the least fun ways to spend significant money—right up there with trimming trees and car stuff.

When I think about our family budget, I tend to assume that utility bills kind of are what they are. But I look for deals and savings in every other aspect of my life, so why would I not do it for my electricity bill? Because it’s very nebulous and confusing, that’s why.

Lucky for me (and YOU), Energy Ogre figured out a way for us to spend the least amount of money with the least amount of hassle.

Side note: If talking about energy bills is too dry for you, trust me, I’m right there with ya. All you need to know is this: Energy Ogre saves you money. How? Let’s discuss.

The energy market in our part of Texas is deregulated.

What does that mean?

It means there’s a competitive marketplace of providers, and you can choose which one you want.

Ok, but what does THAT mean? 

It means lots of different companies can sell electricity at various costs. You can save money by carefully shopping around for a provider with the best rates.

Well, how long does it take to shop around for the best deal?

Longer than you want to spend, honestly. I mean, you could do it. The problem is, you have to continuously keep an eye on the ever-changing market (and your own energy usage) in order to reap the benefits of deregulation. I know people who have spent months charting that stuff in the past. You also have to read all the fine print and sort through different provider contracts to figure out how much they *really* charge. It’s a lot.

The other big thing right now is that with hot weather on the way, lots of providers will be trying to tempt you with gimmicks that ultimately aren’t to your benefit. Energy Ogre works for YOU, not the providers, so they’ll keep you from getting tricked by too-good-to-be-true offers.

If you want to maximize your energy bill savings, but have neither the time nor the will to monitor everything like a Wall Street trader, you need to check out Energy Ogre. They do all the work for you!

Nice! Energy talk is still boring, but I love saving money. I’m listening for real now, I promise. How does Energy Ogre work?

Energy Ogre chooses and enrolls you in the best offer for your needs and proactively monitors your account for savings as the market changes.

When your contract is up for renewal, Energy Ogre continues to make sure you get the best deal. If it’s better to switch to a different provider, they’ll handle terminating the contract and switching to a new company. If staying put is the most economical choice, they handle the renewal. You never have to contact an energy provider – Energy Ogre does it for you.

You had me at “you never have to contact an energy provider.” How do I get in on this?

Ok, the way it works is you pay $10 per month as a membership fee to Energy Ogre. This amount doesn’t fluctuate and allows them to handle all the hassles for you while also staffing their office with actual helpful humans, so you have a pleasant experience when you call to sign up (or if you ever have any questions). Your energy savings will far surpass this membership fee.

To see for yourself, check out their website and use their Savings Calculator to determine how much you can be getting back into your pocket. 

Use promo code CCMOMSBLOG during sign-up to get the 13th month of Energy Ogre membership FREE!



Katie Lewis
After almost 20 years in other parts of Texas (Austin and Fort Worth!), Katie now lives in Richardson with her husband and two kids. Favorite uses for her phone: reading library books and listening to comedy podcasts. Least favorite uses: making and receiving calls. If you've seen Death Becomes Her or Big Business more than once, you'll be best friends.