I am a boy mom. I have two precious, wild, and adventurous boys. They are three years old and nine months old, and they rule my world. I love having boys and that’s a statement that I thought I would NEVER say. While raising these two, I get boys now; I know what they need and how they communicate. They are TOTALLY different than girls and I am grateful that I get to experience how boys work.
I hope to raise two kind, gracious, and respectful boys who will change the world for the better and, most importantly, treat women with respect and love no matter what situation. I grew up with mostly girls in my family; friends, cousins, and aunts were a big part of my life. I was influenced so much by so many important women in my life, and having boys kind of scared me because I didn’t know how to approach raising boys.
I wasn’t a girly girl growing up; I played sports but I also enjoyed shopping and dressing up. When I envisioned my perfect family, I wanted a boy first, then a girl. I am the oldest with one younger sister and I always dreamt about having an older brother: someone to look up to and defend me. When I found out I was pregnant with my firstborn, I was excited to find out the sex and I was hoping for a boy. I was ecstatic that it was a boy, but I was also scared because I didn’t know how raise a boy.
Fast forward 3.5 years: I’m raising two boys and I wouldn’t change a thing. When people see me with two boys, the typical first question is “Two boys, it must be crazy at your house!” I usually politely smile and acknowledge that our house is crazy but fun. And the second question usually always is, “Are you going to try for a girl?” No, our family is complete with two kids and I love having boys. I’m always questioned about “just having two boys” and why I don’t want a girl…well, the fact is that having a girl won’t make me feel like more of a mom.
Every family is different and pregnancy can be easy or difficult for every couple. So remember a family is put together in different ways so sometimes the gender of a baby isn’t the biggest priority, a healthy baby is truly the most important. My boys are enough for me; they complete me as a a mom and I wouldn’t change anything about it.
Having kids is a blessing. So no matter how many kids you have and what gender they are, whatever makes your family complete is the most important thing.