The Top 10: Your Favorite CCMB Posts of 2018

As we say hello to 2019, let’s take a look back on our favorites over the past year. I’m so interested to see which posts resonate the most with everyone. Plus, it’s always nice to be reminded of a good read. Lord knows I can’t remember on my own. Ok, top 10, let’s hit it.

Top 10 Most Popular CCMB Posts in 2018

alcoholic mother moving forward top ten1. My Name is Sarah, and I’m an Alcoholic 

by Sarah Bergman

Sarah writes honestly and bravely about accepting her truth and moving forward for herself and her family. “…I had a problem I didn’t know how to fix. I was an alcoholic and I needed help, fast, before I destroyed everything that I held dear.”


chick-fil-a secret menu2. Chick-Fil-A Hacks You Need Now

by Alice Robison

This one’s a gold mine of secret tips and tricks – free ice cream, crispy fries, off-the-menu grilled cheese, and more. And things got a wee bit dramatic in the comments if you like that sort of thing.


busy mom laser hair removal botox microblading lash extensions3. Best Non-Surgical Beauty Treatments for Busy Moms 

by Sarah Humphrey

Our resident aesthetician gives us the low-down on her favorite ways to freshen up, including one treatment that’s “the best money you will ever spend.”


SAHM husband jealous4. Honest Moms Series* :: I’m Jealous of My Husband 

by Katie Wells

Katie writes thoughtfully from her perspective as a SAHM. If that’s your current situation, you’ll be nodding vigorously the whole way through this one.


best parks for toddlers plano frisco mckinney5. Best Parks for Toddlers in Collin County 

by Chrissie Jones

“Not only am I intimately acquainted with most of the parks across Collin County, but I actually have favorites. And what’s more, I have criteria for what makes for the best toddler parks…”


kids bedtime struggle6. The Night My Kids Put Themselves to Bed 

by Alice Robison

Two things all parents struggle with: 1) bedtime and 2) wondering if our parenting actually gets through to our kids. Alice addresses both in a surprising bedtime experiment with her 4- and 7-year-olds. 


sonogram bad news health problems kids7. “As Long As They’re Healthy”

by Whitney Reed

“What happens when you get devastating news from a very serious, very concerned OB-GYN?” Whitney tackles what it feels like to find out that your child has a serious health problem. Her last paragraph gets me every time.


busy mom favorite rent the runway 8. My Best-Dressed, Best-Kept Secret 

by Sarah Humphrey

A busy mom’s wardrobe secret weapon. No spoilers, you’ll just have to read the post!



friends without kids9. To My Friends Without Kids—4 Things to Know

by Ashley Pease

Ashley writes an open letter to her friends, both apologizing for and explaining how things are a little different these days. The comments have a bonus rebuttal. Classic internet.


california vs texas10.  On Moving from California to Texas 

by Amanda Krahel 

Love a good pro/con list. And love to hear others’ perspectives on Texas. Amanda moved here from sunny San Diego; let’s see what she thinks.

*And do not miss our super popular Honest Moms series, where we covered a variety of topics on the harder parts of motherhood, marriage, and more.

Katie Lewis
After almost 20 years in other parts of Texas (Austin and Fort Worth!), Katie now lives in Richardson with her husband and two kids. Favorite uses for her phone: reading library books and listening to comedy podcasts. Least favorite uses: making and receiving calls. If you've seen Death Becomes Her or Big Business more than once, you'll be best friends.