A Mom’s Guide to TikTok


Every mom wants to be a cool mom. Xennial, Millennial, Gen Z, or just plain mom, we all want to stay in the loop with the coolest and latest trends. TikTok has been everywhere during the pandemic and people are getting famous over TikTok videos. I downloaded the app and was immediately hooked; it was an escape from the crazy world out there. It was a fun way to learn and experience new recipes, dance moves, science experiments, and fun comedy skits.

General TikTok Info:

The magic number for a TikTok video is 15 seconds, but you can string videos together for up to 60 seconds.

Everything is viewed vertically, and when the app is opened, it will start playing featured videos.

TikTok is known for lip syncing, dancing, and comedy skits.

TikTok App’s 5 Buttons to Know: Home, Discover, +, Inbox, and Me

Home– has 2 tabs: Following & For You. The following tab is the accounts that you’re currently following and where videos appear. The for you tab recommends and shows videos that are based on what you have viewed already or the accounts that you follow.

Discover– search feature like Google that allows you to find videos based on topic, person, or trending topics.

+– where you record videos for TikTok.

Inbox– displays your mentions, comments, likes, and followers (like Instagram).

Me– this is where you can see your profile, change picture, and see videos that you have uploaded to TikTok.

My Fave TikTok-ers & TikTok Searches

raising_krazies– mother of three documenting what it’s like to have young kids during a pandemic. She makes it so relatable and makes you laugh and cry over the trials of motherhood.

play indoors– registered dietitian who gives great advice on how to get your kids to eat healthy. She has great recipes and ideas on how to solve picky eating.

I also search “mom hacks”. I have spent countless hours in awe of the awesome hacks that are out there for moms. Everything from how to make your own Ziploc bags to getting sand off your kids feet with baby powder.

Search “cooking videos” and you will find your next quick easy meal for your family. I have found recipes for hacked Chick Fil A nuggets and how to make the perfect chocolate chip cookies. It’s so easy!

What TikTok accounts do you follow?

Ashley Chan
Ashley was born and raised in North Texas and settled down in Frisco. She met her husband while playing intramural basketball at UNT. Ashley taught pre-k and then was a trainer for a technology company until having her two sweet boys. She loves cooking, going for walks with the whole family, and exploring new restaurants all over DFW. She's a hardcore Disney lover and loves to explore and travel with her family.