Considering a return to work after being home?
Are you secretly (or not so secretly) flipping out?
When my husband and I first started “just talking” about a few scenarios that included me going back to work in some form or fashion, to say that I was scared to make a change was an understatement. Looking back, I was terrified.
While staying at home afforded me the opportunity to be present for each and every moment of my beautiful ginger babies’ lives, it did not afford our family the opportunity to make other types of memories and effectively plan for our future. I also had to be honest with myself and admit that there was a part of me that was missing. My career was such a huge part of my identity pre-children, and to let it go completely seemed like a waste, so when the right opportunity came around, we decided to go for it.
Fast forward two years, and I find myself working between 20 – 30 hours a week at a marketing firm in Plano. And while, of course, I have my “moments,” going back to work has been a great decision for our family.
So, in the interest of love and sharing, here it is, David Letterman style:
The top 10 things you should expect if you return to work after staying at home . . .
10. You will need a technology refresher. If you have been out of working world for three+ years, technology has changed. When I returned, it took me at least a week to figure out Outlook — despite the fact that I had 10+ years’ experience with the program before.
9. You will be married to your calendar. Embrace your smartphone calendar and consider whatever apps or technology you need to keep things straight and help you stay connected. My Apple watch is my go-to accessory. I will never miss a call from the school, and I can view my calendar on my wrist!
8. You will spend more money on day-to-day expenses. Despite the additional funds coming in, still consider a budget. Working outside the home does come with its own costs. Lunches, tolls, random shopping errands, mindless Amazon purchases, and picking up dinner twice a week will, ahem, add up.
7. You will buy new clothes. Unless you’re fortunate to have a uniform or scrubs — you’re going to need some new clothes. Styles change, and if you work with a bunch of 20-somethings, you may already have “mom” tattooed to your forehead. A little effort in the wardrobe department will make you feel less like an outcast.
6. Social media may make you feel left out. If you were a mommy social butterfly before going back to work, you may feel weird looking at pictures of your friends working out and at play dates on social media. Take it from me, do yourself a favor and stay off social for a few weeks while you adjust to your new reality. And when you jump back in, settle on the fact that, yes, your lifestyle has changed; try to find new ways to stay connected.
5. Your family doesn’t expect anything to change. They may be super supportive, however, in my experience, old habits die hard. I planned, purchased, prepared, and cleaned up after ALL meals when I stayed home full time. Once I went back to work, my DH still expected hot meals every night of the week. Not. Happening.
4. You may need to check your ego at the door. Depending on how long you’ve been out of the workforce, or what type of job you accepted, your boss may be five years your junior, and you could be sitting with a roomful of younger people. The reality is that while you’ve been building a family, these guys have been building their careers. So, take a deep breath and remember your sweet little ones were worth it.
3. You will pay through the nose for childcare. It’s your kids, so childcare should be a big priority. Costs for a full-time, or even a full-day, part-time program can be costly. The difference between a 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. preschool and a full-time school can be staggering, so definitely do your homework and find the right option for your family. The good news? Once your child is old enough to go to public school, after-school programs are much more affordable and available.
2. You will have more time to do kid-free things. Unless your work is super-duper demanding, you will have, dare I say it? FREE TIME. It’s called a lunch hour, and sometimes it’s my favorite hour of the day. I can run errands, get my hair cut, or catch up with a friend. We can have big girl conversations. It’s awesome.
1. You may love it. And that is A-OK momma! Finding your joy and getting back in the saddle may be just what the doctor ordered.
Would love to hear your “back to work” stories. Please comment here!