Print Your Photos: Your Kids Will Thank You

We go through the hard work of seeking out a great photographer who will capture our family photos just the way we’ve envisioned them in our mind.  Then, we picked the right color coordinated outfits for everyone to wear.  Lastly, we’ve scoped out a fantastic location (or maybe the photographer did this, but still) and the day has arrived- PICTURE DAY! 

Whatever style it is, posed or candid, you get to see the images some two to three weeks later. Then what? This is a digital world we live in and that’s just the reality of it.  We want that perfect photo to update our Facebook profile as well as our cover, maybe even update our Instagram and Twitter profiles as well.  We are ready to showcase these gorgeous photos that we spent hours upon hours preparing for and taking.  

Most photographers nowadays provide collections that include those coveted digital files and there you have it. Score! “I’m so ready to show these off to friends and family on the internets!” you think to yourself.  And you do.  Nothing wrong with that, I mean, who doesn’t want to see the gorgeousness of my children and the awesome memories we made while snapping these beautiful photos, right?

BUT, what if I told you that those photos weren’t just intended to stay in the digital abyss that is known as your computers hard drive or on a USB drive tucked away in your desk or even on a shared drive on the internet?  What if those pictures that you spent hour upon hours envisioning in your mind were actually meant to be displayed in your home or in your work space or even your parents homes?  Huh… Isn’t that something?

Luster prints 11×14 & 8×10: RC PhotogrAphy by Vanessa Sias

Somewhere along the course of time someone decided that photographing our children, our families, our pregnant bellies, our special moments were exclusively intended to be given to us in digital format.  And I get it, we live in that world. But don’t believe the hype! Print your photos and trust me, your kids will thank you for it.  

Print them.  Some photographers actually include prints, canvases and even accordion mini albums (brag books) in their session fee or as add-ons.  Seek THOSE photographers out.  Why? Because you spent time cultivating the “perfect” family photos (or kids photos or maternity photos- whatever the case may be) and you owe it to yourself. You owe it to yourself to see those beautiful images on your walls, in your office, in your living room, etc.  Your photographs will one day become family heirlooms.  These photos will be passed down to your kids, grandkids, great grandkids.

THEY will thank you for it.

4×6 accordion mini album: RC PhotogrAphy by Vanessa Sias

If your photographer included a print release with your digital images (FYI- most do when offering an online gallery or USB drive) print them yourself.  The big box stores do a good job of  reproducing large print photos or canvases at a reasonable rate. 

Research suggests that children who see their family photos displayed in their homes on a regular basis are more confident. Children have a higher sense of security when they see their family at a joyous time (i.e. when they took those pictures).  It goes without saying, even as adults, when we see our family photos displayed in our homes or in our work space we get happy.  

Moral of the story: PRINT YOUR PHOTOS.

Vanessa Sias
Hi, I'm Vanessa. Wife to Jose and mommy to three loving, rambunctious boys ages 12, 7 and 3. They keep us busy in the best possible way. I was born an raised in Dallas, Texas and am a hard-core Dallas Cowboys fan. My husband and I moved to Allen in 2006 after finding our 'just right' home. I taught kindergarten for seven years (in Garland and McKinney) and after having our third son decided to become a stay-at-home mom. Aside from the three boys occupying my time, I'm also a branding and small business photographer as well as a VIPKID teacher for students in China.