Health + Safety

From diet to exercise, the health + safety of our families is a top priority. Use the health + safety category to find articles and resources written by other mamas and local professionals to help you feel your best.

Collin County Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Collin County Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular article or collection of articles represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Collin County Moms.

As a mental health counselor, there are a few things I find myself continually suggesting to clients as a path to mental and emotional health. While I personally think they’re all top priority, I realize realistically, we can only...
I sit in the room, waiting for my new doctor to come in. I know what’s coming and I’m ready: the initial questions, the purposeful discussion about my medical history. Then the doctor probes further, “Tell me more about...
Collin County Moms is thrilled to present “Honest Moms,” a series on authentic, vulnerable looks at motherhood and life in general: the good, the bad, and the ugly—what we love, what we struggle with, and what we are working...
School is about to begin and time to get back on track with your little ones and get them moving. If you're looking for a great way to interact and bond with your little ones, try Zumbini. Zumbini is a...
  Over the next few weeks, we’ll be publishing a variety of health and fitness-related posts meant to guide, inspire, and motivate you on your journey. We hope these will be a valuable resource for a moms; whether you’re still...
If you’re like me, taking your kids to the dentist is not one of your favorite jobs. Making the appointment, rearranging your day, and in the end, convincing your child to sit in the chair for thirty minutes is...
Ah, such a bittersweet day. As kids, you looked forward to the all the milestones: hitting double digits, becoming a teenager, getting your driver's license, getting into R-rated movies, becoming an ADULT, drinking. Then it seems like everyone...
As a mom of four boys, I am often worried about keeping my kids safe. My days are filled with the sounds of "Mom, watch this!" and "I didn't do it!" I often feel like a referee breaking up...



AROUND Collin County

A Guide to Fall Fun in Collin County :: Events, Farms,...

Collin County Moms is proud to bring you our annual "Guide to Fall Fun in Collin County." This resource is filled with fall festivals, pumpkin patches, Halloween carnivals, and family-friendly autumn activities in and around Collin County.