
Being a parent is a huge privilege and a demanding role, all tied up in one. The category of Parenting features articles to encourage and equip parents in every season and from every walk of life –from mom of teens and toddlers to working and stay-at-home moms — as well as tips, hacks, inspiration, and resources in Collin County that every parent needs to know about.

Collin County Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Collin County Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular post or collection of posts represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Collin County Moms.

I recently bought the Instant Pot because a friend of mine cooked frozen chicken in 30 minutes.  You read it right: frozen chicken in 30 minutes.  Sign. Me. Up.  Where do I get this magical machine to make all...
Dear Sweet Boy,  It's finally happening. For most it's just another birthday, but for me you are turning double digits. You'll be double digits for the rest of your life. We've known each other a decade now. A WHOLE DECADE....
Being pregnant with your second baby is completely different from the first time around. During your first pregnancy, you are beside yourself about every single thing and detail going on in and outside of your body. You are forming...
If I am being perfectly honest, Amazon is an all-too-easy addiction for which I will proudly wear my badge. My husband and I always had somewhat of a love affair with Amazon, but since becoming parents, this love has...
I've slowly been making the transition from "Summer Mom," the fun, relaxed version of myself, to "School Year Mom," the responsible, routine-oriented version, and it's been a big change. I have two kids that have to get ready to...
If your nursery is anything like mine, we have baskets and shelves overflowing with books! I instilled a bedtime story as part of our "routine" way before my little cherub could even make out the pages, so we have...
I am all for individuality when it comes to parenting and an attitude of "you do you." Nevertheless, I am also an avid, lifelong celebrity follower. Even though we can't always trust what's put on social media as reality,...
Everyone has something they regret during their childhood. Whether it was not being nicer to a sibling or not trying out for a certain sport, we all regret something in our past. My regret was not being fully bilingual....



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