5 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Moving to Collin County

Mom and dad push their son in a moving box for fun

June 2024 marks my family’s two-year anniversary in Texas, and, ultimately, Collin County. While there were many things I was looking forward to — like the family-friendly atmosphere and highly-rated school districts — there were some things I wasn’t prepared for. Here’s what I wish I’d known to expect before moving to Collin County two years ago.

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1. Allergies

This was probably the biggest surprise for me. I was never really plagued with allergies until moving here. Collin County’s warm climate mixed with its abundant vegetation is the perfect recipe for seasonal allergies. Mine ramp up in early summer around May and June, and, yes, our medicine cabinet remains well-stocked with allergy medication this time of year.

>> RELATED READ :: 10 Tips to Help Kids Cope with Seasonal Allergies in North Texas <<

2. Bugs

The bugs really are bigger in Texas, and they are everywhere. Our yard is home to fire ants, caterpillars, spiders (of all varieties), and wasps. Termites and mosquitoes reign king here, too.

I guess point two “B” would have to be the need for pest control. Pest control was once optional in my life, but here in Collin County — no chance. It’s a must.

Mom sprays a water hose and her daughters play in the mist.3. Watering the Foundation

This one still blows my mind. We now water our foundation in order to prevent structural damage to our house. Insert wide-eyed emoji. (Note: Homes with pier-and-beam foundations do not need watering.) Did you know that you can purchase a soaker hose for this exact purpose? If you have purchased a new construction home in recent years, you’re in luck because it may have been built into your irrigation system. Who knew? Better question — who could have known?

>> LISTEN :: Meet Momfessions 2.0 :: Episode 90 <<

4. Weather

When I shared with family, friends, and co-workers that we were off to plant our roots somewhere in North Texas, many of them warned us of the heat. I laughed it off thinking, “I’m no stranger to heat!” And I wasn’t. However, humidity? That’s a completely different ball game.

Winters were an adjustment for us as well. Since being here, we have faced hail, thunderstorms, and tornado watches. It didn’t take long for us to come up with a household plan for severe weather events.

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A bobcat sits in a tree.5. Wildlife

Collin County wildlife includes deer, coyote, bobcats, and snakes. In the two years I have been here, the most I have seen is a skunk and a few armadillos. Admittedly, it has been fun to learn about the animals that live in our area and educate myself on how to avoid conflict if ever we cross paths.

While the planner in me wishes I had known these things before moving here, learning and adjusting to the quirks of Collin County has been a fun part of my journey. Collin County has truly become home to my family and me, and I am grateful to be part of such a wonderful community. Bring on the bugs, coyotes, and high-maintenance foundations!

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Krista Albert
Krista is a Southern California girl who found her way to North Texas! In 2022, she and her husband packed up the kids, the dog, and the house and never looked back. Krista is a working mom to two young children (ages five and two) and loving wife. In her family's spare time, you can find them exploring their new home in Collin County.


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