Krista Albert

Krista Albert
Krista is a Southern California girl who found her way to North Texas! In 2022, she and her husband packed up the kids, the dog, and the house and never looked back. Krista is a working mom to two young children (ages five and two) and loving wife. In her family's spare time, you can find them exploring their new home in Collin County.
Pug wrapped in a blanket sits forlornly on a bed needing self care

5 Self-Care Tips for Busy Parents

Self care makes you a more resilient, patient, and present parent. Try these 5 self care tips especially when "there's just so much to do!"
Mom and dad push their son in a moving box for fun

5 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Moving to Collin County

Bring on the bugs, coyotes, and high-maintenance foundations! Adjusting to the quirks of Collin County has been a fun journey.
A woman knocks on the door and a man holds flowers.

Preparing for Overnight Guests This Holiday Season

Hopefully these tips get you one step closer to making your home welcoming and hospitable for overnight guests without putting you in a bind.
A piggy bank.

3 Simple Steps to Create a Family-Friendly Budget

I knew something needed to change, and it needed to happen quickly!
A woman cleans out her fridge and looks at her phone.

7 Cleaning Tips to Maintain Through the School Year

It’s easy to find ourselves behind on chores and wondering how it all happened. Don't worry you're not alone! I've got some tips to help you stay on top of everything. I'm going to share...