Health + Safety

From diet to exercise, the health + safety of our families is a top priority. Use the health + safety category to find articles and resources written by other mamas and local professionals to help you feel your best.

Collin County Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Collin County Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular article or collection of articles represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Collin County Moms.

Ah January...a month with such mixed emotions. As the clock strikes midnight, you enter into a world of such high ambitions, hopes, and dreams...and then just as quickly, before the month even ends, they're usually gone.   We know that resolutions...
I am all for self-care, taking time for yours truly, the whole "you can't pour from an empty cup" movement, etc. I also know how hard it is to take even one moment for yourself while taking care of...
"Hey mom, for some reason.. I don't know what it is, head is really itchy." Caleb, my 8-year-old, came into my bathroom and literally before my eyes, my WORST fears were alive and well on my child's scalp:...
Intention setting is a fickle beast, because it is sometimes confused with a resolution, most notably made during the month of January. It’s sad to say but most of the time our resolutions are not only short-lived but they’re...
I told one of my clients that I was setting "ridiculous" goals for 2019. They chuckled a little bit but not because they thought it was something out of the realm of possibility, at least for me, but because...
Moms who give birth via Cesarean section may notice a swelling pouch of loose skin that rests on or just above their surgical scars. It's a persistent reminder of the procedure that rarely disappears, even if a woman never...
I am a total nerd when it comes to setting goals (or...New Year's resolutions). I’m not sure where it started. Maybe it’s the fond memories I have of my family New Year’s Eve tradition. No matter how old my...
As we say hello to 2019, let's take a look back on our favorites over the past year. I'm so interested to see which posts resonate the most with everyone. Plus, it's always nice to be reminded of a...



AROUND Collin County

A Guide to Fall Fun in Collin County :: Events, Farms,...

Collin County Moms is proud to bring you our annual "Guide to Fall Fun in Collin County." This resource is filled with fall festivals, pumpkin patches, Halloween carnivals, and family-friendly autumn activities in and around Collin County.