Health + Safety

From diet to exercise, the health + safety of our families is a top priority. Use the health + safety category to find articles and resources written by other mamas and local professionals to help you feel your best.

Collin County Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Collin County Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular article or collection of articles represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Collin County Moms.

It’s a new year and many of us have taken this fresh start as an opportunity to set new goals for ourselves. I love setting goals—I need them to help me feel like I’m living intentionally. Goals and resolutions...
As soon as I discovered what affirmations were, I made a commitment to say them out loud in front of my bathroom mirror with gusto every morning. But I quickly noticed that as soon as I left my bathroom...
Raise your hand if the past several months have literally driven you to drink...If mama just needs a little go-go juice to get through the painstakingly long days of being quarantined with kids...If the idea of an indoor summer...
Any idea what it’s like for a middle-aged Mom who prides herself on taking long, mindful, relaxing strolls to intentionally engage in a high-intensity, full-body exercise workout where every person is called an “athlete”?  Well, I’m about to tell you. I...
We recommend subscribing to Collin County Moms’ Connection wherever you get your podcasts. We'll release two episodes per month with insider info on everything North Texas along with meaningful connections and conversations with local moms. Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts | Amazon Music | RSS Guest:...
It can be hard trying to find the time and energy to work out without the added burden of figuring out childcare. Whether you’re newly postpartum or a seasoned parent, we all need to take time for our mental...
“This isn’t real. Stop,” I think to myself, seemingly a million times a night, trying to control my breath while lying in bed. “He’s upstairs, safe, and in his crib, not under the pounding wheels of a train.” I...
This post has been sponsored by CareNow. All opinions are 100% our own! Injuries. Let's talk about 'em. Fingers slammed in the car door. An ugly bug bite on your toddler's perfect skin. Does that cut on the bottom of...



AROUND Collin County

A Guide to Fall Fun in Collin County :: Events, Farms,...

Collin County Moms is proud to bring you our annual "Guide to Fall Fun in Collin County." This resource is filled with fall festivals, pumpkin patches, Halloween carnivals, and family-friendly autumn activities in and around Collin County.