
Being a parent is a huge privilege and a demanding role, all tied up in one. The category of Parenting features articles to encourage and equip parents in every season and from every walk of life –from mom of teens and toddlers to working and stay-at-home moms — as well as tips, hacks, inspiration, and resources in Collin County that every parent needs to know about.

Collin County Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Collin County Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular post or collection of posts represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Collin County Moms.

As a mother of a soon-to-be teenager, an almost-10 year old, and an almost-5 year old in a few short months, the idea of how fleeting time actually is and how fast everything around us changes is really hitting...
This is a story about what I learned when I pressed pause. Back around Thanksgiving week, my kids ALL got colds. You know how it is, one after the other, they all got it and then, of course after...

2020: Year of the Mom

We made it another year, mamas! So it means it's time to set new goals and resolutions... or for me, another year to break or make excuses not to follow those resolutions. I don’t like New Year's resolutions because...
Enter Nirvana It's a new year (heck, it's a new decade!) and the store shelves are stocked with an abundance of planners in all sizes and colors, each beckoning to me with their promises of an organized year ahead. This...
Who doesn't love a "best of" collection? Today, we bring you the Collin County Moms posts you read and shared the most in 2019. Thank you to all our writers for continuing to share the ins and outs of...
If you've decided 2020 is finally your year to drop the baby weight, get in shape, and ditch the self-destructive habits, I am your biggest cheerleader, mama. I am ALL FOR nourishing our bodies with healthy foods, tossing out...
I make a point to get up each day at 5:30am when my husband goes to work so that I can steal a few precious minutes for myself. Some mornings I am successful, other mornings I hear little feet...

Reason for the Season

The Christmas season is here, and my son finally gets Christmas. He knows there will be gifts, he asks about Santa every day, and he finally gets excited about the Christmas season. Last year when he was two years old,...



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