Collin County Moms Education Round-Up

When it comes to your child’s education in Collin County, you have options. And we’ve put together an education round-up of best guides and resources to help you navigate it all.

Parents ask themselves the same questions over the years, whether they’re sending a child to preschool for the first time or watching their teen drive off to start senior year: Could I have prepared my child better? Did we choose the right school? What do I do if he or she is struggling?

At Collin County Moms — surprise — we ARE moms. We understand because we’ve been in your shoes (and are going through it ourselves!). You’ll find valuable information in the education round-up below, from school guides to expert advice and tips from local moms who’ve been there.

header graphic for guide to preschools in Collin CountyGuide to Preschools in Collin County

What’s the #1 question we get asked??? “What preschools do you recommend?” Moms want to know the preschool options in Collin County, where others send their kids, and the educational philosophy of a school before making a decision . . . 

Guide to Private Schools in Collin County

Did you know that DFW is home to some of the top private schools in the state? We want Collin County-area parents to know their options when choosing a school for their kids. In this private school guide, you’ll find a variety of curriculum choices, pricing options, and schedules . . . 

Homeschool and co-ops in Collin County

Homeschool and Co-op Options in Collin County

Whether you’re searching for a weekly community, enrichment classes, field trip opportunities, or other homeschool tips, we’ve compiled home education resources all across Collin County to help . . .

Guide to Public and Charter Schools in Collin County

More than any other question, moms ask our team about education choices. The options can be overwhelming! To help get you started in the decision-making process, we’ve compiled a list of pubic and charter schools in Collin County . . .


Click on the tabs below to discover related articles and resources.

parent education

Parent Education Resources to Level Up Your Parenting Game

How is it that the job of being a parent is one that formal education systems do not prepare us for? When I walked out...

20 Creative & Educational Websites for Parents at Home with Their Kids

This uncertain time with COVID-19/Coronavirus brings up a lot of memories for me. In August 2005, I began my senior year of high school,...
A mother reading with her son.

Dyslexia Demystified :: Parent’s Guide to Symptoms and Support

Behavioral warning signs — at any age — include avoidance of reading and writing tasks, behavioral issues and low self-esteem related to school, or frustration and overly emotional responses to homework (or as I affectionally call it the "homework tantrum").
Take the perfect back to school photos.

5 Tips to Take the Perfect Back-to-School Photos

Forget the front door, and try a new location for this year's back-to-school photos. Make fart noises to encourage toothy (or not-so-toothy) grins. Read these and more tips for taking top-notch photos for back to school season.
weekday school morning routine

7 Tips for Better Mornings on School Days

The less I focus on the morning being perfect, and the more I do things that keep me calm, the better I feel. I know I need to keep and model the calm. I set the tone in the morning.

Clearing the Clutter: Tips for Controlling School Paper Piles

The end of the school year is fast approaching. Wasn’t it January about five minutes ago? But you can’t stop time and in no...
pretty desk with flowers and laptop, quit your job and change careers

I Quit My Job With No Prospects & Went Back to School

If you had told me when I was 32, at the height of my career salary-wise, making six-figures, that in the next two years...

Public School vs. Private School: The Great Debate

Can we just open a conversation here? This past year has sparked a question: what is best for our family - the public or...

Going Back to School…As a Mom

My toddler playing on my computer while I unsuccessfully attempt to study. I was about five months pregnant when I decided to go back to...

What Teachers Are Really Thinking at the End of the School Year

The last few weeks of the school year are taxing for teachers. Endless paperwork, organizing, taking inventory, cleaning, meetings, testing, and creative planning (try...
back to school dinner

Back-To-School Traditions: A Special Dinner

In just a few weeks, the kids will be heading back to school and “summer will be over forever,” as my daughter put it...

Effective Communication with School :: 5 Tips from a Former Teacher

Effective communication with school — the goal is for everyone to be on the same team and solely focused on your child's success.  

At-Home Learning Activities for Preschoolers & Little Learners

We haven't been out and about too much since March, but have found a plethora of sensory bins, subscription boxes, art and crafts, and...

Separation Anxiety: Preschool Edition

Separation anxiety has always been a normal part of our life. It comes with the territory of being someone’s person, of being their North...

More Than Just Swim Lessons: 5 Social Skills My Preschooler Has Learned

This post is sponsored by Aqua-Tots Swim School. All opinions are 100% our own! When my son started swim lessons at our local Aqua-Tots swim...

Dear Preschool Teacher…With Love, the SAHM

Dear Preschool Teacher, As I flipped through my calendar to find where I’d scribbled, “first day of preschool, ” I realized that tucked neatly in...

Best Pre-K Back-to-School Products For Kids

Summer is my favorite time of year, with late nights, swim dates, and summer vacations. But all good things must come to an end...

Gifting My Son an Extra Year Before Kindergarten

The excitement of sending our son to kindergarten was through the roof. He was set to attend a local Collin County ISD that was...

Easy-Peasy After-School Snacks for Every Age

Junk’s what’s for dinner!  Well, not really. But sometimes it feels like that’s all my kids will eat. Putting together meals and snacks the...
child making "soup" outside

Outdoor Play Schools :: Ready, Set, Play (Outside)!

Before I became a mother, I could have spent the rest of my life indoors. I’m not adventurous, I don’t crave fresh air, I...
Adult gives elementary age child a supportive high five

4 Ways to Influence Your Child’s Elementary School Years

In elementary school, kids are moving out of the preschool stage of necessary self-centeredness to being more aware of other people and seeking attention and acceptance.
Child gives an apple to her teacher for a back-to-school teacher gift.

Back-to-School Teacher Gift Ideas, from Elementary to High School

Here are a few ideas for back-to-school teacher gifts that are super easy to put together and will be a huge hit with almost every teacher!
middle grade boy working on schoolwork at a table at home

5 Ways Parents Can Support Their Elementary-Aged Kids in Learning

If children supported in their learning during these formative years, they will be more willing and excited to learn going into middle school, high school, and beyond.

Public School vs. Private School: The Great Debate

Can we just open a conversation here? This past year has sparked a question: what is best for our family - the public or...

Gifting My Son an Extra Year Before Kindergarten

The excitement of sending our son to kindergarten was through the roof. He was set to attend a local Collin County ISD that was...

A Realistic Kindergarten Readiness Checklist

As we inch closer to beginning our adventure into elementary school, I got to thinking about the world we are raising our kids in...

Easy-Peasy After-School Snacks for Every Age

Junk’s what’s for dinner!  Well, not really. But sometimes it feels like that’s all my kids will eat. Putting together meals and snacks the...
kids in high school, normal teen behavior

Bullying or Normal Teen Behavior? How to Connect With Your Teen

Is this normal teen behavior or...? Remember way back in middle school when all you cared about was who wore what, who’s listening to who, and...

Hello, 13 :: What My Teen Son Has Taught Me

With my oldest son’s 13th birthday right around the corner, I have been reminiscing about the past 13 years. He is my firstborn, my...
Child gives an apple to her teacher for a back-to-school teacher gift.

Back-to-School Teacher Gift Ideas, from Elementary to High School

Here are a few ideas for back-to-school teacher gifts that are super easy to put together and will be a huge hit with almost every teacher!

Easy-Peasy After-School Snacks for Every Age

Junk’s what’s for dinner!  Well, not really. But sometimes it feels like that’s all my kids will eat. Putting together meals and snacks the...
Child gives an apple to her teacher for a back-to-school teacher gift.

Back-to-School Teacher Gift Ideas, from Elementary to High School

Here are a few ideas for back-to-school teacher gifts that are super easy to put together and will be a huge hit with almost every teacher!

Parenting “Baby Adults” :: Helping Your Kids Decide What To Do After High School

We never told our kids they had to go to college. We always made it clear that college should be purposeful; it's an investment...

College Prep During the High School Years

High school can be overwhelming. No, I mean for parents. With an incoming junior, an incoming freshman, and an incoming kinder (God bless), it...

Easy-Peasy After-School Snacks for Every Age

Junk’s what’s for dinner!  Well, not really. But sometimes it feels like that’s all my kids will eat. Putting together meals and snacks the...
Senior Portraits in Dallas, Plano, Frisco, McKinney, Allen, Prosper

The Best Time to Take Senior Portraits in Collin County

Hey, mom of a high school senior! Congratulations! You’ve made it to the last year of high school. Graduation is on the horizon. College,...

Tips on How To Survive Parenting Older Kids

Not too long ago my kids could not get enough of me. I was their favorite person. They smiled when I smiled, took heed...

Going Back to School…As a Mom

My toddler playing on my computer while I unsuccessfully attempt to study. I was about five months pregnant when I decided to go back to...

College Bound? Here’s What Your Kids Should Take to College

"Oh The Places You'll Go!" This was a favorite story we read to the kids at bedtime. The fantastic and unrealistic situations throughout the...
pretty desk with flowers and laptop, quit your job and change careers

I Quit My Job With No Prospects & Went Back to School

If you had told me when I was 32, at the height of my career salary-wise, making six-figures, that in the next two years...

Ring the Bell! Advice for Moms Going Back to School

Hey, Momma! Another school year is starting for the kids. How do you feel? Excited? Nostalgic? Nervous? How about envious? If you’ve been thinking...
advocating for your child at school, navigating educational plans

IEPs, 504s, & How to Advocate for Your Kid’s Learning Differences

A child's learning difference presents new challenges in child-rearing. We parents generally have the same goal for our children, don’t we? We just want them...

Encouraging Your Child with ADHD :: 5 Essential Roles for Moms

Parenting an ADHD child requires moms to take on multiple roles—cheerleader, journalist, detective, guide, and role model.
A mother reading with her son.

Dyslexia Demystified :: Parent’s Guide to Symptoms and Support

Behavioral warning signs — at any age — include avoidance of reading and writing tasks, behavioral issues and low self-esteem related to school, or frustration and overly emotional responses to homework (or as I affectionally call it the "homework tantrum").

Going Back to School…As a Mom

My toddler playing on my computer while I unsuccessfully attempt to study. I was about five months pregnant when I decided to go back to...

Ring the Bell! Advice for Moms Going Back to School

Hey, Momma! Another school year is starting for the kids. How do you feel? Excited? Nostalgic? Nervous? How about envious? If you’ve been thinking...

20 Creative & Educational Websites for Parents at Home with Their Kids

This uncertain time with COVID-19/Coronavirus brings up a lot of memories for me. In August 2005, I began my senior year of high school,...
General Education
parent education

Parent Education Resources to Level Up Your Parenting Game

How is it that the job of being a parent is one that formal education systems do not prepare us for? When I walked out...

20 Creative & Educational Websites for Parents at Home with Their Kids

This uncertain time with COVID-19/Coronavirus brings up a lot of memories for me. In August 2005, I began my senior year of high school,...
A mother reading with her son.

Dyslexia Demystified :: Parent’s Guide to Symptoms and Support

Behavioral warning signs — at any age — include avoidance of reading and writing tasks, behavioral issues and low self-esteem related to school, or frustration and overly emotional responses to homework (or as I affectionally call it the "homework tantrum").
Take the perfect back to school photos.

5 Tips to Take the Perfect Back-to-School Photos

Forget the front door, and try a new location for this year's back-to-school photos. Make fart noises to encourage toothy (or not-so-toothy) grins. Read these and more tips for taking top-notch photos for back to school season.
weekday school morning routine

7 Tips for Better Mornings on School Days

The less I focus on the morning being perfect, and the more I do things that keep me calm, the better I feel. I know I need to keep and model the calm. I set the tone in the morning.

Clearing the Clutter: Tips for Controlling School Paper Piles

The end of the school year is fast approaching. Wasn’t it January about five minutes ago? But you can’t stop time and in no...
pretty desk with flowers and laptop, quit your job and change careers

I Quit My Job With No Prospects & Went Back to School

If you had told me when I was 32, at the height of my career salary-wise, making six-figures, that in the next two years...

Public School vs. Private School: The Great Debate

Can we just open a conversation here? This past year has sparked a question: what is best for our family - the public or...

Going Back to School…As a Mom

My toddler playing on my computer while I unsuccessfully attempt to study. I was about five months pregnant when I decided to go back to...

What Teachers Are Really Thinking at the End of the School Year

The last few weeks of the school year are taxing for teachers. Endless paperwork, organizing, taking inventory, cleaning, meetings, testing, and creative planning (try...
back to school dinner

Back-To-School Traditions: A Special Dinner

In just a few weeks, the kids will be heading back to school and “summer will be over forever,” as my daughter put it...

Effective Communication with School :: 5 Tips from a Former Teacher

Effective communication with school — the goal is for everyone to be on the same team and solely focused on your child's success.  

At-Home Learning Activities for Preschoolers & Little Learners

We haven't been out and about too much since March, but have found a plethora of sensory bins, subscription boxes, art and crafts, and...

Separation Anxiety: Preschool Edition

Separation anxiety has always been a normal part of our life. It comes with the territory of being someone’s person, of being their North...

More Than Just Swim Lessons: 5 Social Skills My Preschooler Has Learned

This post is sponsored by Aqua-Tots Swim School. All opinions are 100% our own! When my son started swim lessons at our local Aqua-Tots swim...

Dear Preschool Teacher…With Love, the SAHM

Dear Preschool Teacher, As I flipped through my calendar to find where I’d scribbled, “first day of preschool, ” I realized that tucked neatly in...

Best Pre-K Back-to-School Products For Kids

Summer is my favorite time of year, with late nights, swim dates, and summer vacations. But all good things must come to an end...

Gifting My Son an Extra Year Before Kindergarten

The excitement of sending our son to kindergarten was through the roof. He was set to attend a local Collin County ISD that was...

Easy-Peasy After-School Snacks for Every Age

Junk’s what’s for dinner!  Well, not really. But sometimes it feels like that’s all my kids will eat. Putting together meals and snacks the...
child making "soup" outside

Outdoor Play Schools :: Ready, Set, Play (Outside)!

Before I became a mother, I could have spent the rest of my life indoors. I’m not adventurous, I don’t crave fresh air, I...
Elementary School
Adult gives elementary age child a supportive high five

4 Ways to Influence Your Child’s Elementary School Years

In elementary school, kids are moving out of the preschool stage of necessary self-centeredness to being more aware of other people and seeking attention and acceptance.
Child gives an apple to her teacher for a back-to-school teacher gift.

Back-to-School Teacher Gift Ideas, from Elementary to High School

Here are a few ideas for back-to-school teacher gifts that are super easy to put together and will be a huge hit with almost every teacher!
middle grade boy working on schoolwork at a table at home

5 Ways Parents Can Support Their Elementary-Aged Kids in Learning

If children supported in their learning during these formative years, they will be more willing and excited to learn going into middle school, high school, and beyond.

Public School vs. Private School: The Great Debate

Can we just open a conversation here? This past year has sparked a question: what is best for our family - the public or...

Gifting My Son an Extra Year Before Kindergarten

The excitement of sending our son to kindergarten was through the roof. He was set to attend a local Collin County ISD that was...

A Realistic Kindergarten Readiness Checklist

As we inch closer to beginning our adventure into elementary school, I got to thinking about the world we are raising our kids in...

Easy-Peasy After-School Snacks for Every Age

Junk’s what’s for dinner!  Well, not really. But sometimes it feels like that’s all my kids will eat. Putting together meals and snacks the...
Middle School
kids in high school, normal teen behavior

Bullying or Normal Teen Behavior? How to Connect With Your Teen

Is this normal teen behavior or...? Remember way back in middle school when all you cared about was who wore what, who’s listening to who, and...

Hello, 13 :: What My Teen Son Has Taught Me

With my oldest son’s 13th birthday right around the corner, I have been reminiscing about the past 13 years. He is my firstborn, my...
Child gives an apple to her teacher for a back-to-school teacher gift.

Back-to-School Teacher Gift Ideas, from Elementary to High School

Here are a few ideas for back-to-school teacher gifts that are super easy to put together and will be a huge hit with almost every teacher!

Easy-Peasy After-School Snacks for Every Age

Junk’s what’s for dinner!  Well, not really. But sometimes it feels like that’s all my kids will eat. Putting together meals and snacks the...
High School
Child gives an apple to her teacher for a back-to-school teacher gift.

Back-to-School Teacher Gift Ideas, from Elementary to High School

Here are a few ideas for back-to-school teacher gifts that are super easy to put together and will be a huge hit with almost every teacher!

Parenting “Baby Adults” :: Helping Your Kids Decide What To Do After High School

We never told our kids they had to go to college. We always made it clear that college should be purposeful; it's an investment...

College Prep During the High School Years

High school can be overwhelming. No, I mean for parents. With an incoming junior, an incoming freshman, and an incoming kinder (God bless), it...

Easy-Peasy After-School Snacks for Every Age

Junk’s what’s for dinner!  Well, not really. But sometimes it feels like that’s all my kids will eat. Putting together meals and snacks the...
Senior Portraits in Dallas, Plano, Frisco, McKinney, Allen, Prosper

The Best Time to Take Senior Portraits in Collin County

Hey, mom of a high school senior! Congratulations! You’ve made it to the last year of high school. Graduation is on the horizon. College,...

Tips on How To Survive Parenting Older Kids

Not too long ago my kids could not get enough of me. I was their favorite person. They smiled when I smiled, took heed...

Going Back to School…As a Mom

My toddler playing on my computer while I unsuccessfully attempt to study. I was about five months pregnant when I decided to go back to...

College Bound? Here’s What Your Kids Should Take to College

"Oh The Places You'll Go!" This was a favorite story we read to the kids at bedtime. The fantastic and unrealistic situations throughout the...
pretty desk with flowers and laptop, quit your job and change careers

I Quit My Job With No Prospects & Went Back to School

If you had told me when I was 32, at the height of my career salary-wise, making six-figures, that in the next two years...

Ring the Bell! Advice for Moms Going Back to School

Hey, Momma! Another school year is starting for the kids. How do you feel? Excited? Nostalgic? Nervous? How about envious? If you’ve been thinking...
Learning Differences & Disabilities
advocating for your child at school, navigating educational plans

IEPs, 504s, & How to Advocate for Your Kid’s Learning Differences

A child's learning difference presents new challenges in child-rearing. We parents generally have the same goal for our children, don’t we? We just want them...

Encouraging Your Child with ADHD :: 5 Essential Roles for Moms

Parenting an ADHD child requires moms to take on multiple roles—cheerleader, journalist, detective, guide, and role model.
A mother reading with her son.

Dyslexia Demystified :: Parent’s Guide to Symptoms and Support

Behavioral warning signs — at any age — include avoidance of reading and writing tasks, behavioral issues and low self-esteem related to school, or frustration and overly emotional responses to homework (or as I affectionally call it the "homework tantrum").
Continuing Education

Going Back to School…As a Mom

My toddler playing on my computer while I unsuccessfully attempt to study. I was about five months pregnant when I decided to go back to...

Ring the Bell! Advice for Moms Going Back to School

Hey, Momma! Another school year is starting for the kids. How do you feel? Excited? Nostalgic? Nervous? How about envious? If you’ve been thinking...

20 Creative & Educational Websites for Parents at Home with Their Kids

This uncertain time with COVID-19/Coronavirus brings up a lot of memories for me. In August 2005, I began my senior year of high school,...
Katie Frank
Katie has been and editor and journalist since 2010. She’s worked for various national publications, including EQUUS and Western Horseman, and freelanced for titles such as Horse Illustrated and The Reiner. In addition to her role as managing editor at Beal Media, Katie is a content writer for The National Council of Mental Wellbeing and secretary for the Ranch Horse Association of America. In all her work, she’s drawn to projects that serve a purpose and help others. She lives in Willow Park, Texas, with her husband, two kiddos, horses, dogs, chickens, and cat.