Health + Safety

From diet to exercise, the health + safety of our families is a top priority. Use the health + safety category to find articles and resources written by other mamas and local professionals to help you feel your best.

Collin County Moms publishes original, personal stories and advice from local moms, as well as relevant and fun information for those of us in the trenches of parenthood.

Every article published via Collin County Moms — whether someone from our in-house team, a guest writer, or a sponsored writer — uses their words to reflect their own opinions, experiences, and beliefs. No singular article or collection of articles represents the opinions, beliefs, or agenda of Collin County Moms.

I was shopping in the Joanna Gaines aisle at Target when my husband called me with the news. Our four-year-old son had broken his tibia and he would be in a hard cast for a minimum of four weeks....
Every January, people talk about goal setting, creating a vision board, and setting New Year’s resolutions. But too often, those goals fizzle out by February—am I right? (I know it’s happened to me more often than I care to admit.) However,...
Are you moving to Allen? This is for you. Do you live here and are just looking for something new to do? This guide to Allen, TX, is also for you! We started our search north, not really knowing what...
Let's be honest. Running a 5K can be difficult. Training for it can be time-consuming and mentally draining. And it's not exactly everyone's idea of fun. I am one of those irrational weirdos who goes running every day. Some...
I recently had a family member tell me, “Bari, you could make friends with a tree.” And I laughed it off, until a week later I found myself out on a run and spending a whopping 30 minutes walking...
Self care makes you a more resilient, patient, and present parent. Try these 5 self care tips especially when "there's just so much to do!"
It’s that time again…tornado season! And in North Texas, we all know just how vigilant we have to be to keep our families safe during dangerous weather. Below are some tips, best practices, and useful items to invest in...
In the past couple of weeks, I’ve made a sharp right turn in my personal life as a way to un-busy myself, and hence, lessen my stress. It has not been easy, but it became 100% necessary. Over the...



AROUND Collin County

Roundup of Birthday Freebies from Collin County Restaurants

From pancakes to pazookies, find your chosen birthday treat at one of 63 restaurants in Collin County with this roundup of birthday freebies.